[OT] (kinda) AoD>Doom3 (2025)


[OT] (kinda) AoD>Doom3

(too old to reply)


2004-08-11 17:09:51 UTC


After playing Doom3 for a few hours, it crossed my mind that AoD should
have used THIS engine. It is amazingly detailed. Level of realism and
immersion boggles. It's the kind of thing where you get surprised by
baddies because you're standing around gawking. Like a youngster fresh
off the farm taking in a Big City for the first time. Gotta see
everything. The flat panel displays in game look like real computer
displays. Touch screens :) They work too! I got killed by a zombie
cause I was in a room full of running machinery and I was just goofing,
looking, trying to figure out what it all was doing. :) Darn thing
just walked up and clubbed me in the head with a pipe wrench!
All that detail. I can just imagine Lara running around in a world like
GS's Forerunner, using this engine. Amazing.

McGrandpa [AGQx]


2004-08-13 07:45:48 UTC


Well, I'm sure someone will do a DoomRaider mod, eventually... I can just
imagine lighting a torch under that dynamic lighting system, and exploring
some dark, ancient ruins...

Post by McGrandpa
After playing Doom3 for a few hours, it crossed my mind that AoD should
have used THIS engine. It is amazingly detailed. Level of realism and
immersion boggles. It's the kind of thing where you get surprised by
baddies because you're standing around gawking. Like a youngster fresh
off the farm taking in a Big City for the first time. Gotta see
everything. The flat panel displays in game look like real computer
displays. Touch screens :) They work too! I got killed by a zombie
cause I was in a room full of running machinery and I was just goofing,
looking, trying to figure out what it all was doing. :) Darn thing
just walked up and clubbed me in the head with a pipe wrench!
All that detail. I can just imagine Lara running around in a world like
GS's Forerunner, using this engine. Amazing.
McGrandpa [AGQx]


2004-08-13 11:38:56 UTC


Yeah. Only time will tell, right? It's already being modded for the
Quakes, for the original Doom or Doom2. That's on PlanetDoom.com. But
that's iD title remake to iD engine. DoomRaider has a cool ring to it
and it's the obvious moniker! Ha! Yep that lighting system was set up
to give Doom3 the atmosphere it has but does not have to look like
something dark and forboding everywhere. As the brief excursion on Mars
surface show there can be open outdoor areas too. Ahhhh but I'm just
dreaming... a fun dream, but still just a dream.
McGrandpa [AGQx]

Post by giga
Well, I'm sure someone will do a DoomRaider mod, eventually... I can
just imagine lighting a torch under that dynamic lighting system, and
exploring some dark, ancient ruins...

Post by McGrandpa
After playing Doom3 for a few hours, it crossed my mind that AoD
should have used THIS engine. It is amazingly detailed. Level of
realism and immersion boggles. It's the kind of thing where you get
surprised by baddies because you're standing around gawking. Like a
youngster fresh off the farm taking in a Big City for the first
time. Gotta see everything. The flat panel displays in game look
like real computer displays. Touch screens :) They work too! I
got killed by a zombie cause I was in a room full of running
machinery and I was just goofing, looking, trying to figure out what
it all was doing. :) Darn thing just walked up and clubbed me in
the head with a pipe wrench!
All that detail. I can just imagine Lara running around in a world
like GS's Forerunner, using this engine. Amazing.
McGrandpa [AGQx]


2004-08-13 15:13:47 UTC


If you play AOD on one of the newer cards, it really looks very good. I
just reached the 'disco' level in Paris, and all the moving colored lights
looked great!


Ms T

2004-08-16 09:55:01 UTC


Post by rms
If you play AOD on one of the newer cards, it really looks very good. I
just reached the 'disco' level in Paris, and all the moving colored lights
looked great!

DISCO!? PARIS!? Frell why didn't someone mention that before!? I barely
made it out of the "training level" in AoD due to frustrations with the
controls and sluggish game play.., over a *year* has passed since I shelved
AoD.,. but now that I've upgraded my OS and hard-drive (the combo super
charged all my devices and now everything runs as it was meant to!) and this
new insentive of DISCO! Hmm., me thinks a sleepless weekend is coming up

Thanks for that mention. :) I'm sure I'll be scouring over the help files
I've seen over the past year here to get XP Prof and my non-HCL compliant
ATI Radeon 7200 (PCI) graphix card to play AoD adequately..,

<walks out muttering> Disco in Paris? Cooool! <goes off in search of former
preferred disco attire - white three piece mini-skirt suit and glittered
stilleto shoes>

Ms T
ever changing calm


2004-08-16 16:49:49 UTC


Post by Ms T
Thanks for that mention. :) I'm sure I'll be scouring over the help files
I've seen over the past year here to get XP Prof and my non-HCL compliant
ATI Radeon 7200 (PCI) graphix card to play AoD adequately..,

Don't bother :) The game responds well and looks great on a $350 Nvidia
6800GT videocard, but even the Radeon 9700pro I tried with it last year was
disappointing. Wait until you are ready to spend $800 on your computer
before trying it again!

This is the primary reason why AOD was a failure and why adventure games
as a whole are mostly static and 2-dimensional: The target audience sees no
need for a fast computer in the first place; game companies have to cater to
this low-computer-spec audience; if they don't and make a high-spec game
they are reviled and excoriated as happened with AOD. It's a viscious


Ms T

2004-08-17 07:36:52 UTC


Post by rms

Post by Ms T
Thanks for that mention. :) I'm sure I'll be scouring over the help
files I've seen over the past year here to get XP Prof and my non-HCL
compliant ATI Radeon 7200 (PCI) graphix card to play AoD adequately..,

Don't bother :) The game responds well and looks great on a $350
Nvidia 6800GT videocard, but even the Radeon 9700pro I tried with it last
year was disappointing. Wait until you are ready to spend $800 on your
computer before trying it again!

lol Agreed! This box was a quick purchase just to be a spare system for
home organizational stuff (i.e., pay bills, email, calendar etc.) and I got
as minimal a system I could convince that current day market to sell me (Oct
2000). But the company I was employeed by went out of business (and laid me
off March 2001) so I never received the promised beyond-state-of-the-art
laptop w/docking system and wireless connections (I still have the purchase
order somewhere). I finally broke down last week and added the larger hard
drive and XP Prof OS (both gifts).

After I posted that, I had rethought the excitement of loading AoD (just for
the disco! ;) ) Now that I'm "officially" employeed again, I will build
something a bit more upgradeable and built to launch rockets (or at least
Lara's grenade launcher! ;) ). Perhaps in time for the next TR game? :-P

Post by rms
This is the primary reason why AOD was a failure and why adventure
games as a whole are mostly static and 2-dimensional: The target
audience sees no need for a fast computer in the first place; game
companies have to cater to this low-computer-spec audience; if they don't
and make a high-spec game they are reviled and excoriated as happened
with AOD. It's a viscious circle.

Yup. Again, agreed. Thanks for the input! :)

Ms T
ever changing calm

[OT] (kinda) AoD>Doom3 (2025)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.