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Piggy: Branched Realities is an online, survival-horror experience on Roblox made by Wizard Watch Studios' Branched Realities group. The experience acts as a "What if..." type game, based off of the original Piggy, by MiniToon. After voting on a game-modes after choosing a map, players can either become the survivors (guaranteed on two game-modes), or the Piggy (one player will be guaranteed a Piggy on three game-modes). The overall goal of each round as survivors is to complete various tasks and escape the Piggy. These mentioned tasks may include scenarios like, unlocking a door, or completing puzzles. If you're the Piggy, however, your goal is to stop as many survivors as you can from escaping the map. Either side must complete their goal before the timer hits 00:00. The first one to complete it wins. Private servers cost 50 Robux.
- 1 Description
- 2 Gameplay
- 2.1 Controls
- 2.2 Main Menu
- 2.3 Voting Menu
- 2.4 Survivor Gameplay
- 2.5 Piggy Gameplay
- 3 Mechanics
- 3.1 Currencies
- 3.2 Items
- 3.3 Skins
- 3.4 Traps
- 3.5 Abilities
- 3.6 Gamepasses
- 3.7 Chapters
- 3.8 Event Chapters
The entirety of the multiverse, at the palm of your hand. What awaits you is confusing and what comes after is unknown. I can tell you all the stories you wish to know about the multiverse; life if something different had happened or if something didn't happen. Are you ready to accompany me on this journey?
Well, that opportunity has arrived! Travel through the multiverse and discover the endless, twisted possibilities of events! 🧙♂️⌚
🕹️ CONTROLS 🕹️:Pick up items / Use items - Click / Keybinds (Computer) OR Tap (Mobile)Crouch - CTRL (Computer) / Shift (Computer) OR Tap (Mobile)Use abilities / Place traps - Click (Computer) / Keybinds (Computer) OR Tap (Mobile)
Age Rating: 13+, Blood (Realistic/Light), Violence (Mild/Repeated)
- Picking up items/Using items: Click/Prompt Key (Computer), Tap (Mobile)
- Crouching/Placing traps: CTRL/Shift (Computer), Tap (Mobile)
Main Menu[]
Main Article: Main Menu
The UI of the main menu is where you can access the voting menu by pressing the long, green button, titled "PLAY". Underneath the "PLAY" button are four, smaller, square shaped buttons labeled from left to right as "INVENTORY", "THE SHOP", "STORYBOOK", and "SETTINGS". In the bottom left corner of the screen is the Information Blog, and in the bottom right is the code redemption system. Above the "PLAY" button is the title of the game.
Voting Menu[]
The Voting menu is where you can vote for what game-mode you want to play. It starts with a 15 second intermission, then goes to the map selection, and finally to the game-mode selection. The current game-modes that you can choose to play are:
- Story (Bot)
- Player (A player becomes piggy)
- Player + Bot (A player becomes piggy swell as a bot, making it harder)
- Outbreak (Infection)
- Swarm (Randomised bots spawn every minute)
Survivor Gameplay[]
When chosen to be a survivor (guaranteed on Story (Bot) and Swarm mode), your job is to escape the map you have chosen in 15 minutes and less (depending which map). After 30 seconds of playing, the infected(s) will spawn (Story/Player/Player + Bot, depending on which game mode was selected). You must avoid characters with glowing eyes and theme sound at all costs, whether that means closing doors so it takes a few more seconds for them to reach you or tricking them with skilful movements. Be warned, Piggy has the ability to place traps to stun you or make it harder for you to escape. Survivors are able to select three abilities to use in a round. These abilities can only be used by gaining energy. Abilities make it easier for the survivors and with the most useful abilities, it will be much harder for Piggy to catch them. Survivors can earn 25 Cosmic Coins and 50 Cosmic Coins if you now the X2 Game pass for each escape.
Piggy Gameplay[]
If you have been selected as Piggy, on Player, Player + Bot or Outbreak game modes, your round will start with you spawning in the Piggy Waiting Room for thirty seconds, giving the Survivors a head start. Once 30 seconds has passed, you will spawn into the selected map. Your aim is to eliminate all surviving players. When selected as Piggy, you will be slower than the survivors, but you get the ability to choose three traps (like how survivors choose three abilities) to help advance and catch survivors easier than normal. Some useful tips for playing as Piggy is closing one of the doors that a survivor is about to pass through. This stops them passing through the door and they must choose an alternative route. Be warned, in each map there is an advantage point, such as a gun or NPC (Abracadabra Ability) that survivors can use to stun you for a range of four to thirty seconds. Each kill lets you earn 10 Cosmic Coins, or 20 Cosmic Coins with the X2 Game pass.
Currencies are used to purchase Skins, Traps, Abilities, Bundles, Skin Packages, and Variant Packages. There are only four of them in the game, with those being Cosmic Coins, Orbs, Chocolate Coins (Removed), and Elegance's Frost Tokens (removed). Cosmic Coins can be obtained through escaping a chapter, getting a kill as Piggy, or purchasing them with Robux. Orbs are scattered around the map. You can either walk into or click them to obtain it. Chocolate Coins were obtainable like Orbs in 2022, but in 2023 they were awarded for kills and escapes like Cosmic Coins. Elegance's Frost Tokens were only obtainable from beating Magical Market, a limited-time winter-themed chapter. Each escape would award 25 of them, but escaping on Swarm would award 50. Currencies can also be obtained from bundles.
Items are helpful tools used by the survivors in order for completing the maps in the game. These items can be used for progression or for offense. All items have their own purpose, for example the different colored keys have their own doors with the matching-colored lock. Hammers are used on glass cases, Wrenches are used on electric panels, etc. The only offensive item in the game so far is the gun, which (if loaded with at least 1 ammo) can be used to stun the Piggy for 20 seconds.
Skins can be obtained from purchasing them in the shop, doing skin quests, redeeming a code, beating a chapter, purchasing bundles, or opening variant packages and skin packages. They are cosmetics that don't give advantages.
Traps are mechanics used by the Piggy to stun the survivors for a short amount of time.
- Default Trap
- Small Trap
- Inverted Trap
- Floating Trap
- Fake Egg Trap
- Cake Trap
- Roulette Trap
- Clam Trap
- Plant Trap
- Snowpile
- Jack 'O' Box
- Shining Light
- Dark Cupid Trap
- Cake Trap
- Quicksand Trap
- Portal Trap
- Icicle Zone
- Frost Whirlpool
- The Starry Night Trap
Abilities are mechanics used by the survivors as an advantage to escaping/surviving the Piggy.
- Magnifying Glass
- Sprint
- Super-Vision
- Laser Blaster
- Fool
- Abracadabra
- Sand Sprint
- Moth Moonlight
- Peppermint Spray
- Heartbreak Potion
- Sunlight
- Lovely Lullaby
- Wreath
- Heartbreak Potion
- Sunlight
- Pumpkin Basket
- Winter Chill
- Volcano
- Cranberry
The tutorial can be accessed through the settings, and it is used for players who wish to get a better understanding of the game. The game takes you to an area where you can learn about the basics of Piggy: Branched Realities, i.e. Abilities, Traps, Piggy gameplay, survivor gameplay, and more.
Gamepasses are microtransactions that give the buyer benefits, such as x2 more or . There are only 5 gamepasses, with 1 being limited. They go on sale during the winter season.
- 2x Cosmic Coins (gives you double to amount of cosmic coins for eliminating players and escaping the map)
- 2x Monster Chance (gives you double the chance to become Piggy)
- Energy Boost (increases the amount of energy you earn to use abilities quicker)
- Starter Bundle (awards you with 250 Cosmic Coins, and 10 orbs)
- 2x Orbs (gives you double the amount of orbs. Orbs can be used to unlock traps and abilities)
- RP Freedom (allows you to use freedom mode in Roleplay Mode only by running the command /freecam in chat or Shift + P)
- 2x Chocolate Coins (N/A - removed from game - only available during Winter updates)